Six steps to Improve Your Business Processes Checklist

Are You Effectively Managing and Improving Your Business Processes?

Dr. W. Edwards Deming used to say that many business processes were so poorly executed that companies were paying employees to produce junk up to 20% of the time. That is why your business processes must be carefully designed and measurement systems implemented. Small companies that are growing rapidly with inefficient business processes do not get better results by executing poor processes more often. Through experience, we have been able to develop a 6 step checklist that shows you exactly how to improve your business processes by showing you:

  • Where to start on your improvement journey
  • What information you must collect
  • How to constantly improve your business process controls

To help you get your business process controls working properly, we have developed a simple checklist that you can get for FREE, called "Six steps to Improve Your Business Processes" - just complete the form to download it.

System Access Controls Checklist

  • How would you describe yourself?