Report Management Audit Checklist

Are You Effectively Managing Your Reports?

Do you know how many reports your business uses or actually needs? Have you looked at the cost you're incurring by producing unnecessary reports? Many businesses actually have thousands of unused reports that they spend a great deal of money to design, develop and deploy, yet suffer from a lack of needed information! That is why many businesses have asked for a report management checklist which:

  • Details a methodology to get your reports under control
  • Provides a simple step-by-step approach
  • Is easily implemented

This is just a small sample of the companies that suffered IT Access Control Failures - just in the past year.

To help you get your reports under control, we have developed a simple checklist that you can get for FREE, called "Report Management Checklist" - just complete the form to download it.

Report Management Checklist

  • How would you describe yourself?