Effective Change Management – Roles and Responsibilities
Effective management of change provides a structured, consistent, and measurable change environment to be utilized across an organization and is a critical component in the success of its daily business. Its goal is to increase awareness and understanding of proposed changes across the organization and ensure that all changes are made in a thoughtful way that minimize negative impacts to services and customers. An organization should have a document that defines the implementation of Change Management procedures. The computing systems, networks, peripherals, and associated facilities are subject to continuous changes driven by new technology, evolving business requirements, changing contractual requirements, and growing regulatory policies. Effective change management applies to both systems and supporting infrastructure, and is a necessary component for the continuous success and growth of the organization.

Change Management Process - Roles and Responsibilities
In the previous blog we discussed the change definition and change categories which are part of the key elements of the change management process. They set the boundary and parameters of changes, and avoid vagueness and confusion. Today, we are discussing the roles and responsibilities in the change management process. Roles and responsibilities need to be clearly defined within the change management process to establish accountability. The roles and responsibilities discussed in this blog should serve as a guideline only because they may vary depending on the organization and their particular job functions.
The discussed roles and responsibilities are a basic guideline. Organizations have different change management processes which may result in different roles and responsibilities. Whatever the case, roles and responsibilities need to be clearly defined within the change management process to establish accountability, with an appropriate level of segregation of duties. In the next change management discussion, we will look into Change Request (CR) of change management process. Stay tuned!