9 Point Checklist – The NIST Recommendations on Cyber Security

12 Major Global Cyber Security Data Breaches so far in 2015

Why companies need a Computer Security Incident Response Process

“The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come.”

--Confucius, Chinese philosopher

Having a sound incident response process can help organizations respond to security incidents in an effective and systematic approach when they happen. A security incident response process can help organizations recover quickly and efficiently from a security breach and therefore minimize data spills, financial loss, and quickly help restore normal business. Use lessons learned from past incident handling events to better prepare and protect your-self from future incidents. Lessons learned can help companies know how to better handle the resulting legal issues involved with any data breach.

All of cyber security incidents are considered to be a violation or imminent threat of a violation of a computer security policy, an acceptable use policy, or standard security practices. A security incident or malicious attack frequently will compromise an organization’s systems and disrupt normal business processes and cause huge financial damage.

To better prepare for future computer security incidents, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommends specific actions. To receive a copy of our checklist "9 Point Checklist - The NIST recommendations on Cyber Security" just fill out the form at right.

9 Point Checklist - The NIST Recommendations on Cyber Security

  • How would you describe yourself?